Thursday, January 7, 2010

Act of Repentance
18"x 24" Oil on Canvas
Otero 2009

This one took some time and planning, but was very heartfelt. I decided to use a punk because of how heavy into metal I once was in. When many hear of the Name Jesus Christ, many go into a negative mode because of it.

I myself was in this situation. So I wanted to express the Power of His Love and Majesty over the powers of darkness. I wanted to show Yeshua/Jesus effortlessly holding off the darkness yet comforting the guy.

1 comment:

  1. This painting is supper powerful, it's beautiful, because of the battle it depicts and how Jesus is more powerful than all the demons in the world and the darkness that threatens to destroy us. Again I encourage your to submit this to they are the largest site for selling religious art, I think in the world, but may be wrong. Anyway May God continue to fight your battles and use you to encourage others to put their trust in God too!
    Sincerely Sherry Boettcher from
